Whistle While You Work

I am convinced there is more to life than working hard, staying insanely busy and putting in more time at the office.  In fact, I am banking on it!

Let's Pucker Up and Enjoy Ourselves While We Work










The world’s wealthiest people don’t think about how they need to work harder to make more money.  They think smart.  They send their dollars out to work for them like soldiers in an army.   $$$

I am convinced that that the real power to succeed comes when there is the time, focus, and state of mind to “whistle while you work”.  The intention is to stay loose, enjoy, be present, see the magic, and be in the moment.


I have “blown the whistle” at my blog BEST LIFE BLOG newly released with a new website I launched this month: www.harmonythiessen.com   Feel free to drop by for a visit.  It may not relate to your needs, but the blog posts are about mixing Goldenzen lifestyles, principles, values and practices with a successful business life.

I am throwing out the question: How do you “whistle” while you work?  What do you do to keep yourself happy in the face of the routine of the office, construction site, sales route, computer screen, etc…?  We learn from one another, and in this day of such a high degree of work dissatisfaction, we could benefit from your wisdom.

In The Grace of the Moment,


PS  My respectful thanks to the artists who share their work with the world.  Today’s Apology on the Wall comes from Flikr: http://flickr.com/photos/chichard41/403408082/  – chichard41 has a professional photostream to view.

18 Comments Add yours

  1. Robin says:

    All the best with your new site Harmony!

    As far as how I deal with my work now – I don’t really do much that I don’t want to do, anyway. For the few things I have to force myself to do, I just get on with it and it doesn’t last that long – and I usually find I enjoy it when I get into it. Cheers!

  2. Davina says:

    I pat myself on the back for a job well done! No point in always seeking approval from somewhere else. But it sure feels good when you do get it! I like to keep creative too. There are many ways of doing things and you can still maintain a “routine” but be creative and shake it up a bit.

    I will be by your website Harmony to visit. Congrats on the new direction!

  3. goldenzen says:

    Robin – You are one intentional woman. I think that is the key – to create a life that reflects your passions…whistling is a by product.

  4. goldenzen says:

    Davina, you must pat a lot! 🙂

  5. surjit says:

    My best wishes to you on your new venture.
    All we mortals can do is to contribute our best to our work without expecting anything in return.It is up to HIM to ‘compensate’ each of us according to our needs.
    God bless.

  6. Hi Harmony,

    Best of luck with your new site. It sounds like a real winner.

    I like to remind myself to be in the moment as often as possible. It not only stops my thoughts from wondering, but helps me to create mini memories.

  7. goldenzen says:

    Thank you for your thoughtful wishes. What a concept- do our best and expect nothing in return. You are a rare breed. So glad to have you here.

  8. goldenzen says:

    Boy, if you say it sounds like a winner, I am feeling better already!
    YES, me too- I remind myself that this is a moment, and if I don’t be aware, it like so many others will pass me by.
    Thanks for being part of this comment stream and community.


  9. Ellen Wilson says:

    Hi Harmony,

    Good luck on your new site! Now you will be whistling ALOT!

    I try to stay centered and focused on my body. I try not to let the Ellen ego run away with thinking. Somedays are better than others.

    Today I went out and sat in the sun with my daughter. It was relaxing and fun. Then my son followed us out because he had a lot to talk about. That was good too.

    I try to stay in the present.

  10. Evelyn Lim says:

    I just came over from Barbara’s site. The first thing that hit me was your quote “The world’s wealthiest people don’t think about how they need to work harder to make more money. They think smart. They send their dollars out to work for them like soldiers in an army. ” Nice one there!! I’ll be looking around some of your older blog posts.

    All the best to your new site too!


  11. Davina says:

    Hey Harmony. That was a pretty smooth compliment — thanks! 🙂

  12. goldenzen says:

    Thank you! I have been doing this work for years but the new site with a new slant is fun. I love your comment – staying in your body, keeping the ego in check. funny eh, most people would never think that the mind at work could actually betray them.
    Thanks for dropping by.

  13. goldenzen says:

    Hi Evelyn,
    THANKS for stopping by. I visited yor site, actually subscribed to your rss. I think we might find some collaberating insights and information. I look forward to getting to know you. You may also enjoy my business blog at http://www.harmonythiessen.com/blog

  14. goldenzen says:

    You are most welcome!

  15. The easiest way to whistle while you work is to only do work that makes you whistle. I’m about 70% there and it’s delightful!

  16. Hi Harmony,
    I whistle while I do most things. It is an exhilarating way to bring joy to myself. When I whistle, it means that I am enjoying the moment in harmony with myself.

    Thanks for this post. 😀

  17. Marion says:

    Whistling’s great for breath work…it releases a lot of negativity.

    On the other hand, I’m not a great whistler…it’s a solitary habit for me, usually, lol!

  18. goldenzen says:

    ^/> Tom – Thank you for visiting. I couldn’t agree with you more. AND if the work is not yet what makes you whistle, whistle until it is.

    ^/> Alexys – I usually find myself whistling around Ginger. She sets my soul a dancin!

    ^/> Marion- That is not an idea I had thought of actually.
    I think I will add a dose of intention to my whistle. Now that should whet the whistle!

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